At GREEN BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES we have a clear and unequivocal focus towards our Business Integrity, Professional Conduct & Ethics. Our Integrity Policy Underlies the GREEN BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES value of Fair Business Practices, Mutual Self Respect, Honesty,  Fairness & Responsibility.
Our Integrity Policy covers and is not restricted to follow the Following Practices :

Fair People Practices Policy
All Team Members within GREEN BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES will follow the highest level of ethical conduct while dealing with Customers, Partners, Colleagues and Competitors. Every member of GREEN BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES will work within the Legal Framework of Trust, Mutual Respect & Business Integrity. Integrity for GREEN BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES is a Non Negotiable Virtue.

Fair Business Policy
We will not use Unfair means to win business.  We will not offer or accept any kind of Privileges that could challenge the code of ethical conduct that underlies within us.  We respect our competition and invite an healthy practice of competing in the market. These Values demonstrate how well we conduct our business with the highest standards of ethical conduct and reflect within our virtues as we go along on our day to day business.